Maxine Holloway's measurements are: a bust size of 36 inches, a waist size of 30 inches, and hip size of 39 inches.
Starting with the basics about Maxine Holloway, they were born on Friday 8th of February 1985, in Tucson, Arizona, United States,
Looking at Maxine Holloway's physical attributes, they stand 5'9" (or 175 cm) tall, weigh 150 lbs (or 68 kg), and have a Average body type. Their hair color is Brown, and they have Brown eyes.Also her breasts are a 36B size.Additionally her she has Real/Natural Breasts.
When it comes to Maxine Holloway's profession and achievements, they work as a Adult Model,
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We start with five potential trainees and four handlers. The day is filled with heavy exercise,...
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