Ami Emerson's measurements are: a bust size of 36B inches, a waist size of 27 inches, and hip size of 38 inches.
Starting with the basics about Ami Emerson, they were born on Friday 10th of February 1984, in El Dorado County, California, United States,
Looking at Ami Emerson's physical attributes, they stand 5'7" (or 170 cm) tall, weigh 130 lbs (or 59 kg), and have a Average body type. Their hair color is Blonde, and they have Blue eyes.Also her breasts are a 36B size.Additionally her she has Real/Natural Breasts.
When it comes to Ami Emerson's profession and achievements, they work as a Porn Star,
When it comes to personal style, Ami Emerson certainly stands out. They have Triquetra on left ankle.